It was a hot sultry night in the middle of Arkansas and my baby's mamma was eating an ice cream cone and......wait. That's neither accurate or appropriate for this first blog. Let's start over. My name is Greg and my comedic partner in crime's name is...wait for it. Greg. We went to high school together but didn't really "know" each other until we both worked at a nursing home in Manassas, Va. It was there that we found out we were complete clowns and that we shared an affinity for the comedic cult classic "Evil Dead 2". This spawned many a conversation and then we realized we had a common comedic connection! We stayed friends of course and acted foolish at every chance we had and that's pretty much been our m.o. ever since.
The concept of the CuckooLounge was originated back in 2001. It was not an actual lounge or place per say but we considered it a happy place or a place that both of our minds could merge and create hilarity. Like a state of mind or minds. Before you think I'm referring to some LSD trip, the CuckooLounge wasn't born until January 1st, 2009. Why then? Why so long? Well quite honestly, people with a wild sense of humor are often damaged or dysfunctional. That's me for sure and Greg would probably agree. From 2001 to 2009, we did our best to keep things rolling but life got in the way in the form of women, relationships, jobs, family, hemorrhoids, tennis elbow and the most recent addition to my medical condition "Cell bow". Pretty standard situation. My elbow develops pain while I'm on my cell phone. Uhhh...moving on.
What gave us the motivation to finally make the CuckooLounge a name and not a place was a little independent film called Good People. Written and directed by our good friend Lewis Long III, Lewis Entertainment, This film featured graphics and animation by Greg and I had my first speaking role in a movie! After years of getting confused for Morgan Freeman, I finally got a role thanks to Lew. We thought to ourselves that if Lew can do this than so can we. And dammit the hell we have! Since that fateful day, we've done 24hour film contests, script writing contests, competed in music video contests, supported numerous causes, emceed fundraising events and had not one but TWO pajama jammy jams. For those non House Party fans, I'll explain that one another time, another blog.
Where do we go from here? That remains to be seen however we can promise you that it will be upward and onward. I'll finish school in July and my full time hobby will be the CuckooLounge. My partner in dramedy will be focusing on music and the production of such and we'll reconvene in the summer months BUT things will still be pumping out in some way, shape or form such as this blog, Twitter , Facebook, Youtube, Big Bingo nights at Stuckey's Truck Stop and many more! All links for these pages are on the blog. Minus the Big Bingo one.