Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Why Facebook is a joke to me.

      Facebook is a big joke to me.  What I mean by that is, I don't take it too seriously.  Shocker right?  Most of you know that I post a lot of silly, stupid, obnoxious, immature and random things on there and that's pretty much the sole purpose of  FB to me.  Don't get me wrong. I like to give birthday shout outs and sincere posts on the holidays or special days in my or your personal life and keep in touch with friendos in out of town type places but overall, I use it to test comedic material and see what audience it captures.  If I can make one person chuckle in their cubicle hell or while changing a diaper, then I've done my job.  What's awesome is there are lots of cool friends who play along and think the same way.  Once in a while I get a private message from someone who asks if there really was a warm chicken biscuit in my bed but thats neither here or there or in my bed.  And of course, FB is used to promote selfish endeavors like TheCuckooLounge or CliqtrioRaceforHope2014 and my partner in comedy, Greg Law a.k.a. The Walter Kronkite of the D.C. Limelight a.k.a. FHDeluxe! 

     During my daily adventures on FB, I notice that people use FB for many a different reason.  Some use it for laughs, some use it as a diary, some use it to make a point, statement or get attention.  Some use it to start a conversation, discussion or argument.  Some like myself, even use it to get opinions on everything from dentists to dog food to Christmas sweaters to advice on how to drink at work responsibly.  Guess what?  It's a social networking site that encourages you to share your feelings.  That's the point and its ok.  People can say and do whatever they want and will.  They can post pics of lasagna, their bunions or an extremely outdated photo of themselves at a more attractive time in their lives.

            I guess my point is, who cares.  We don't.  Neither should you but then again, go ahead and care.  Its for public consumption, constipation and regurgitation.    The obnoxious posts, blogs, videos, pics etc will carry on as they do.  I'll do my best as will the CuckooLounge to keep the our fans laughing out loud  (you'd be surprised how loud two people laughing together is!).   Our advice to you?  .  Tune in or tune out.  Much like good strong and clean underwear, we appreciate those that support.  And I encourage all 3 of our readers to keep updating statuses, relationships. locations, pictures etc.    Don't you love this incessant rambling?   Remind you of anything?   This should sit nicely on your feed in between Jenn's update regarding how her sports bra does not fit like it did in college and how Rob is down in the dumps, watching "Dear John" alone with some Schlitz Malt liquor and his new puppy "Brick" and donating tons of money to those extremely sad ASPCA commercials hoping to get the almighty "like".   "Like" us?

Monday, August 6, 2012

We're back a.k.a. The Cuckoo Redux

First and foremost, I would like to apologize to all five of our readers for not posting a blog since February!   Believe me.  I've had a lot to say and could have shared with the masses but allow myself to explain myself.  I was in prison.  Well not an actual prison but I just completed a two year stretch at George Mason University getting my Masters.   The good news is that I'm done and officially free of those educational chains.   The bad news is that I really feel like a recently released prisoner who is trying to adjust to the outside world again.  I feel like Brooks from Shawshank Redemption except I don't long for the confines of prison or a rigorous grad school program EVER again.

It might sound ridiculous to describe graduate school like its a prison sentence but in my case, it felt that way.  I mean I was alive and well for the last two years and did enjoy life's many wonders such as holidays, birthday parties and Papa John Sunday football deals but anytime I did anything outside of the curriculum, I encountered what I call "grad guilt".   The workload is intense and no matter how great of a student you are and how on top of things you are, there is always more you could do.  So while I'm sitting there thumbing through a Rolling Stone, I was constantly thinking that I had no time to read and that whatever was due that week needed to be done first.  Even after I completed it, it still felt like something was lingering over me.

And planning things?   Nope.  Someone could invite me to a square dancing event in November featuring the last twelve swimsuit models wearing nothing but twinkie creme and I would need to consult my syllabus, assignment log and calendar first.   If it fell anywhere near a paper being due, I'd have to cancel.   Sad isn't it?  I'm probably echoing the sentiments of many and I applaud you for doing it because it was hell for me.  I was a goof off slacker in high school, an older somewhat smarter goof off slacker in undergrad and found out quickly that I couldn't be that guy in grad school.  At any rate, it's over so now I can get back to what really matters in life.   Good family, good friends and good times.   As for this here blog?   There will be one a week at least and possibly more. Hopefully a new one every Monday.  Possibly two but let's not kid ourselves.  Since graduation, I've gotten really good at doing nothing so you may even read a blog about nothing which will probably be my longest.   Once again, feel free to critique, ridicule, applaud or enamor yourselves with the blog.  Doesn't matter what you say or think, this nonsense will be pumped out to the masses like gravy on turkey day.   Until next time my five readers!