I'd like to take a moment to honor one of the greatest American snack cakes in the world. Yes that's right people. I'm talking about the Twinkie! According to Wikipedia, it's marketed as the "golden sponge cake with cream filling". Wikipedia also states that the Twinkie was born in 1930 in Schiller Park, Illinois. I don't care where those beautiful babies were "born". I love them. Always have. The little fat boy in me once crushed a box of them in one day. That's right. ONE DAY.
I mean in the pantheon of snack cakes, the Twinkie may not be your first choice but in my mind, it's the only choice. Ho-ho's are nice. The Nutty bars are excellent. Even the original Hostess cupcakes are lovely but the Twinkie? It's Americana baby! Find me one person who hasn't tried a twinkie and I'll find you a midget who won a high jump contest. There's apple pie, baseball, obesity and the twinkie.
Don't worry about the fact that ingredients found in the twinkie are mostly preservatives and that some of those preservatives can only be mined from the earth. Yes I said MINED. Here is a link to a book that explains this all. http://www.twinkiedeconstructed.com/Twinkiewebsite/Welcome.html
I don't care what its made of. I love them. They aren't healthy or good for me but they are there for me and would survive a nuclear explosion.
And they actually inspired "The Twinkie Defense" by which the accused claimed that eating a lot of junk food i.e. twinkies caused temporary insanity. They have never made me crazy but when I was much younger (34 or 35?), I did open a box of them at a local 7-11 and began to enjoy one of them in the aisle while wearing a midriff. Alcohol is to blame for most of that night but the midriff is probably a result of a deep seeded love for Mary Ann from Gilligan's Island. Err...uh. Moving on.
By the way, have i told how much i love to blog? I love that I can type about twinkies and someone out there will know my feelings about them by day's end. That is if they got this far.
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