Thursday, March 17, 2011

Random thoughts on Don's Johns!

Now that my grad school career is done and over with, I find my myself with random thoughts on random things on random days. Actually, not random days. Every single day.  The way that my mind works is much like a pinball in a machine.  It moves fast and when hit with the proper force, it will head in a totally different direction quickly.   Call it A.D.D., call it scatterbrained or call it genius (Spit your Whatever it is, that's how it works.  When i started this blog, I had a gazillion ideas and topics and still do.  The problem I encountered was time and the lack of it.  I would see things, think about them and then try to write a standard blog about them but would watch the clock.  Then i remembered that when blogging, there are no rules.  One can write about earthquakes or one can say two words on the state of  Idaho.  That being said, here are some quick hitters I pondered recently... 

1.  Just admit it.  You have never heard of the band.  
I used to do this when I was younger.  We all did...then.  However, it's alive and well in my adulthood. Cringeworthy when I hear a conversation like this.  Own it people. Just own the unknown.  It's ok.  I don't know the hidden track on Britney Spears fourth album.  There.  I admitted it. Guilty as charged.  Please read the convo example below taking place in a car with radio on.

Harry- "LoI love music.  Especially underground music.  Ever heard of  "Mamma's BigBunionBand?"
Sack- "Uhhh..yeah.  Yeah.  They are really good"
Harry-  "Oh?  They are good.  Hard to believe they are from Iceland huh?"
Sack-  "haha. Yeah.  Hard to believe!   I loved their second album"
Harry-  "Huh?  They just came out with first record yesterday"
Sack-  "Oh.  Well I meant their second album will be good!" 

2.  Fast food Drive throughs
-  It's for convenience and saving time.  It's not the line you get in to order a medium rare burger with a slightly toasted bun with only one tomato, no onions and your ketchup on the side.  Lest we forget the lemon wedge garnish.  It's designed for #1,#2, #3 and a coke.  Super sizing is your only choice.  By the time you hit the speaker, you should know what you want.   And multiple orders for 12 people each requiring a receipt?   Get your a** out of the car and go inside.

3.  Age is just a number. 
It really is people.  It's just a number for years we've been alive.  I don't think it's a marker of ability, talent, ambition or more importantly limitations.   And in the affairs of love, does age matter?   If a girl is 18 and he's 46, probably yes.  If she's 23 and he's 37?   Who cares?   My point?  Live your life, chase your dreams and eat ice cream off a body part of your gf/bf.   Don't let anyone tell you that you are too old or young to do things.  Diapers fit all ages.  

4.  Facebook isn't that serious.
-I post on facebook for comedy.  I admit it.  I put stuff on there for my entertainment and possibly others. It's who I am. I'm a goofball and facebook is sometimes a platform to convey that.  I hearken back to the days of dating my ex when she said "some of your FB posts are inappropriate and people may take them seriously".  Really?  they do?  When i put "my finger smells like my nose", someone really takes that to heart?   If so, I'm sorry.  People use FB for many things.  Some tell you they just ate a sandwich, some posts let others know a person is sick, pregnant, no longer pregnant or pissed off at Sarah for watching HoneyBooBoo without her.  If you want to get sympathy, solace or feel the need to get your feelings out with a post like "My heart is empty and my eyes won't stop raining", do it.  If you want to post about how you farted in an elevator and your boss liked it and began flirting, awesome.  I'll "like" either of your posts.  

5.  Don Jon Upgrade
-We have curling irons that can also brush your hair, we have cars that can parallel park and for that matter, drive for you and recently we had a man skydive from space and LIVED.  Why can't we upgrade the Don Johns of the world?   There's gotta be a way to improve the quality and design of them.  I understand some of it is necessity and cost effective but what about a real mirror?  Not a glass one but at least one that isn't a fun house mirror.  And how about water that doesn't stain your arm when you drop your phone?   .  


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