Wednesday, February 16, 2011

The Legend of Law!

There's a legend heard around these parts.   A legend that has been growing strong for over 35 years.   The legend tells the tale of a man born from the seed of Gods mixed with some foolish homeless clown.  It's not important where he came from.   The important thing here is that this legend is no legend.  It's real.  He's real.  I know this because I live with him.   In fact, I've known him for over twenty years.  In those twenty years, I've seen it all.  I can't speak about all but I'd like to take a few paragraphs to describe the 9th wonder of the world, The King of sting, the punk of funk, the foolish heart deluxe, the ubiquitous avalanche of calamity that walks the streets at night!   Where should I begin?

For starters, he keeps tuna in the fridge.  Normal right?  Yeah it's normal to keep tuna in the fridge after its taken OUT of the can.  My friend here keeps tuna in the fridge in the can unopened.   This legend also once tried a can of beer and decided it didn't taste right.   What did he add to this most popular beverage among males and females worldwide?   Orange juice.  Yep.  He took one beverage of choice and added Vitamin C.  His logic?   Trying to stay healthy.   Ahhh..moving on.  We're in the winter months these days and lots of people experience dry skin.  Fact of life.  Cold, dry air causes our skin to lose moisture.  Sometimes it's downright tragic when your  elbows look like a rhinoceros ass.  Personally, I haven't seen my elbows since the last time I wrecked a Huffy.  If you're concerned about ash and dry skin, look no further than my roommate.   He is always equipped with lotion during winter months.  But wait..there's more!   He has lotion during all the months.  All 12 of them.  He carries it with him at all times.  Most recently, he brought a large bottle to a Superbowl party and offered up moisturizer.  I'm certain if you watch him closely, he probably has a bottle in every corner of the house, car, workplace, tool shed, etc.   Who knows?  He could have lotion planted around the city for emergencies.  Fact.

Now this fellow is also the guy I work with on many, many productions and he is the other half of the Cuckoo Lounge.  We do everything from comedic skits, voice overs, music, photography and coloring eggs.  Needless to say, if one is involved in the arts there is a certain degree of dramatic and theatric talent needed.  Law takes it to an entirely different level.    Please read the following exchange below.

Me: What up man?
Law:  (huffing, breathing heavily).   hey man...
Me:   Damn bro.  You ok?
Law:   Yeah man..just tired and.....i just made a decision today.
Me:  Ummm...ok.  what's going on?   (thinking something serious has occurred here)
Law: cancel the call waiting feature on the home line.

Yeah.  Notice the dramatics there?   He comes in with the urgency but leaves you with the confusion.  I'll give him this.  It's entertaining and we're currently writing a skit about it.   OH and one more thing.  One more thing the truly, truly makes the legend what it is today.  Law is a lover man.  I mean this.  He is a true lover man.   He gives love.   HARD.  If his woman were a pancake and Law was syrup, she would smother.  He lays it down.   He is the most loving, sensitive, caring man I've ever met.  The only other person I've met in my life that was on his level was a lunch lady i befriended in middle school. She also used a lot of lotion.  

My point?   Law is legend and the legend is Law.  Law is also a unique, creative, intelligent cat who doesn't give himself enough credit or recognition.   He's also a kind individual for putting up with my shenanigans over the years because let's be honest here people.  I'm not a Saint and clearly not void of issues.  He actually endorsed this blog and I read him every word.  Except for this one: normal.  He hates that word!

1 comment:

  1. You have described him in no way anyone else could. And that's why we love him.
