Friday, January 7, 2011

Does length really matter?

Thanks for checking this out!  It's my first official blog entry on my own blog.  I wrote one for the CuckooLounge but i'm not sure if we'll continue that much further so with that being said, I ask you does length matter? 

Exactly how long should a blog be?   It's got to be longer than a facebook post right?  It's not twitter so i don't have a word limit.  I'm thinking in our fast paced, instantly gratified, same day delivery world that has an attention span of a Jolly Rancher, the length should be a few paragraphs with quick and decisive points of interest.  And of course, variety is the spice of life so I won't hold myself or your eyes to that.  I do promise that if you regularly read this, you'll enjoy it whether it's long, short or written in pig latin. 

So this is the first but certainly not the last.  Feel free to comment, critique, love or hate it.  You can look forward to random topics ranging from Alepecia to Zurich. I do have german heritage but may have to wikipedia that Zurich stuff.   Please enjoy and spread the word!   Adios!!!

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