Tuesday, January 25, 2011

My first crush...

I remember like it was yesterday. Her name was Stephanie...something.  She was the prettiest girl in the 3rd grade.  Even back then I aimed for the stars.  We were on the playground at Weems Elementary and I was playing Transformers with another kid.  Think his name was David?  Anyway, I was Optimus Prime and he was Megatron and we battled it out under the jungle gym.  At this age, that jungle gym seemed larger than life and somewhat like a giant castle.  At the top of this castle was Stephanie.

 She was sort of perched in a way that resembled a fair maiden looking in the distance for her knight in shining armor to rescue her from her playground prison.  As i battled David Megatron, I would sneak looks at her.  You see in my mind, Stephanie was actually watching me battle Megatron.  So right after I defeated Megatron, I climbed halfway up the jungle gym and said to her "You are the prettiest girl in the world".   She stopped gazing in the distance and looked down at me.   I smiled back.  She then took her gaze upward again and said the words that would haunt me for years.  "You stink".  Yep.  The first time i poured my heart out to a woman, she told me I smelled.  This was a crushing blow and my first real lesson about women.  This first lesson also produced my first tears over a woman.

After the crushing my crush gave me, I marched myself behind one of the brick columns of my school and cried.  However, it also taught me that you win some and you lose some.  I won the battle with Megatron but lost the battle with Stephanie. One day that will be reversed!   I just have to find Megatron..I mean David.

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