One of the funniest words in the english language is poop. At least that's how i feel about it. Hearing the word poop in a conversation always brings me to a chuckle and make me laugh out loud if put in certain contexts. The bigger question is what is poop? And where did this word come from?
One of the more informative websites regarding poop is called This website not only describes what exactly poop is but it also provides a history of the word poop and who knew its been around since 1900 and was originally the name for a fart!!!!! If you feel like letting your inner child free (and if you're reading this blog, you're halfway there) check out this site. It also includes those awesome diarrhea rhymes we all used to sing. My favorite part of the site? Facts about farts. Here i thought i knew all there was to know about farts and i'm not even within smelling distance of the truth behind the fart. Pun intended of course. There's also a hilarious book I own and at one point I thought I was the only one who owned it or wanted to. It's called "Everyone Poops" and yes everyone who poops has read it or owns it.
The word poop also has one really unique feature that not a lot of words can claim. It is a palindrome! It's spelled the same both forward and backward. Just like the town Kinikinik in Colorado! Well, i hope i was able to provide a scant history of the poop. Just remember that we all poop and that the word should bring a smile to your face. Just the word though. Actual poop smells terrible and is generally not known to bring happiness. Until next time my friends!!!!!
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